Friday, February 6, 2009


The stinky thing about bed rest during pregnancy is the guilt. Here you are, perfectly healthy, sitting here letting others do work you could be doing if not for a yet hidden mini-person. They don't even get the joy of cooing at a new baby for their trouble.

J went running to his toy box after perusing one of my Marine Biology books. He drug back a squishy worm-like toy and wanted me to appreciate the similarities between it and a marine worm. Not bad, kid.

I went to check on him in his room - he was being entirely too quiet in there - only to find that he had a big teddy bear laying on his changing pad. He was lifting its rear/legs with one had while wiping its butt with the sock in his other hand. I had to show him how to put a diaper on the bear after a performance like that!


AJS said... cute. He will make a good little helper for you after the baby arrives. :)

ftmomma said...

Sarah - Did you have any doubt that you would have a creative smart little guy?? Love the stories. :-)
