Monday, January 19, 2009

You know...

...that life's priorities are changing when the arrival of long-awaited mail order pillows is the highlight of your day. Sweet sleep!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's Been Awhile

J got really mobile and well, I got pregnant. No one really wants to hear my daily puke update, so now it's January ;)

This is why our dog hides:


It's just an empty wrapping paper tube but it had might as well be a fencing rapier... He's an energetic and curious little guy, but his easy-going temperment makes for a pretty happy Mom most days. He's a whiz at puzzles and still loves his trucks and trains. We haven't quite figured out the polarity thing with the trains that connect with magnets - I know he'll get it soon, though. He's been sleeping in his big boy room for about 2 weeks now, making room for baby #2 in the nursery. He adjusts to change well - we are very fortunate!

Things from this year with a mobile little one:

Dog food crunches differently than Kix cereal.

Watch what you do. He will mimic even the things you regret!

Putting two words together is a big deal for an 18 month-old.

Do a "what baby can reach" check at least once a week, b/c 14" Ginsu knives make a great "shshshing" noise when they get pulled out of a kitchen drawer.

Even if your house is "proofed" for your baby, think creatively. His playdate buddies may find things like the heating vents to stuff video cassettes into ;)

Michelle W. is right. Boys need food, space, and plenty of activities!