Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Vintage Hankie Raconteur


Raconteur - one who tells anectdotes with skill or wit.

From the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival Website:

"Katie Dix began her journey to becoming a Vintage Hanky Raconteur when she was taught to carry a fresh handkerchief when shopping in downtown Nashville in the 1960s. Finishing school in Atlanta impressed upon her that a pretty hanky was a fashion essential. While raising children in the north of England, she valued soft hankies for drippy little noses. Her interest in the story of vintage handkerchiefs has grown along with her collection. As a member of the Colorado Historical Society and having studied tomes on the subject, she shares her knowledge of the handkerchief with ladies of similar sensibilities. Check out Katie's website: http://www.storyofvintagehankies.com."


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